این رو توی ویکی پدیا دیدم:

Joseph Campbell (1972: p.148-149) illustrates a rich and alternate Persian and Moslem reading of Lucifer’s fall from Heaven which champions Lucifer’s eclipsing love for God:

One of the most amazing images of love that I know is Persian – a mystical Persian representation as Satan as the most loyal lover of God. You will have heard the old legend of how, when God created the angels, he commanded them to pay worship to no one but himself; but then, creating man, he commanded them to bow in reverence to this most noble of his works, and Lucifer refused – because, we are told, of his pride. However, according to this Moslem reading of his case, it was rather because he loved and adored God so deeply and intensely that he could not bring himself to bow before anything else. And it was for that that he was flung into Hell, condemned to exist there forever, apart from his love.

The Sufi teacher Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan taught that ‘Luciferian Light’ is Light which has become dislocated from the Divine Source and is thus associated with the seductive false light of the lower ego which lures humankind into self-centred delusion. Here Lucifer represents what the Sufis term the ‘Nafs’, the ego.

و یه جمله ی خیلی باحال توی یک کتاب کمیک استریپ به نام لوسیفر:
For God has seven thousand names, and one of them is BASTARD!!!!

مدت ها بود از جمله ای اینقدر خوشم نیومده بود.

بدبختی…درست لحظه ای که می شنوم لوسیفر, به جای شیطان عظیم رجیم پر ابهت یاد گربه خپل سیندرلا می افتم!!!

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